
How To Color Your Hair Naturally At Home

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Dying your hair is a quick and relatively easy style to drastically modify your appearance, although many people worry nigh the abundance of chemicals in salon products. If you desire to dye your hair using more than natural methods, there are a variety of means you tin can do then. You can lighten pilus using products similar lemon or honey. You can also enhance your existing pilus colour with a variety of herbs, teas, and powders.

  1. 1

    Try lemon. If y'all desire to lighten your pilus naturally, try using lemon. Lemon may be able to lighten your hair a shade or 2.

    • Mix a cup of water with two tablespoons of lemon juice. Then, apply it to moisture hair and allow your pilus to dry naturally. Encounter if you detect a lightening event.[1]
    • Wait until your hair has dried on its ain to launder or rinse.
    • Repeat this treatment once a week to slowly lighten your hair. Don't do information technology any more than this or you lot could damage your hair.
  2. ii

    Utilise honey and vinegar. Honey and vinegar tin can as well work together to lighten hair naturally. A simple recipe using honey and vinegar tin can be used on your hair if yous want to lighten its natural shade.

    • Use raw, unpasteurized love, which you can discover at near health food stores. Use a cup of raw honey, two cups of distilled vinegar, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, and a tablespoon of ground cardamon or cinnamon. Mix the ingredients together into a paste.[2]
    • Run your hair under the shower to get it damp. Divide your hair into sections. Employ the paste to each section from roots to tips. Wrap your pilus using plastic wrap and keep the wrap secure using a shower cap or swim cap.[3]
    • Get out the mixture in overnight. And then, launder it out in the morning.[four]


  3. 3

    Apply baking soda. Simple baking soda works by stripping your hair of the chemical buildup that can darken your locks. Mix a small bit of baking soda into your shampoo when showering once a week. With fourth dimension, your pilus should begin to lighten. This method might take a few weeks before you lot get your desired effect.[5]

    • This method works well for people who have already dyed their hair using professional dye or who use many styling products.
  4. four

    Consider cinnamon. The common spice cinnamon can actually help lighten hair. Add together a teaspoon of cinnamon pulverisation to a small handful of your regular conditioner. Evenly coat your hair, working from the roots to the tips. Pull your hair dorsum, securing it with clips or ties when necessary. Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap. Leave in overnight so rinse and shampoo in the morning time.[6]

  5. 5

    Add salt. Table salt mixed with water creates a natural lightening agent you tin safely use on your hair. Mix one part table salt without nearly 5 parts h2o. Rinse the mixture into your hair and let information technology to sit for 15 minutes. Then, wash your pilus. Run across if it gets any lighter.[vii]

  6. 6

    Lighten pilus with a homemade leave-in conditioner. Gather juice from three lemons, two bags (iv grams) of camomile tea steeped in one cup (eight ounces) of boiling h2o, 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of cinnamon, and one tablespoon (0.5 ounces) of almond oil.[8]

    • When the tea has cooled, strain out the leaves and combine all the ingredients in a small basin and transfer to a spray bottle.
    • Shake earlier use and spray the mixture on the areas of your hair that you lot want to lighten.
    • Expose your hair to the sun for 10 to xv minutes, making sure to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from the UV rays.


  1. 1

    Prepare for a chamomile rinse. To enhance the natural blond color of your hair, rinse chamomile tea into your hair. If your hair has chocolate-brown streaks from sun exposure, for case, a chamomile rinse may exist helpful.[ix]

    • First, fix the tea. You lot can apply a regular tea handbag, but for best effects try to buy chamomile flowers online or at a local health nutrient store. Steep half a cup of flowers in a quart of boiling h2o for half an 60 minutes. Then, strain and cool the mixture.[10]
  2. 2

    Shampoo your pilus. While waiting for the tea to cool, shampoo your hair. Do so every bit you normally would, using your regular hair care products. You will add the chamomile afterward your regular washing regimen.[xi]

  3. 3

    Add the chamomile. In one case you lot stop washing your hair, yous can add the chamomile. Soak your pilus in a bowl of the rinse at least 15 times. You can also apply it to your pilus and comprehend your head with a shower cap. When you finish, wring out any backlog wet. Let the mixture set up for one-half an 60 minutes and then rinse out your hair using clear water.[12]

    • If you can't observe chamomile flowers, you can as well utilize calendula, mullein blossoms, yellow broom flowers, saffron, turmeric, or quassia chips.[13]
  4. iv

    Try rhubarb if chamomile is ineffective. A chamomile rinse might not piece of work for everyone. Many blonds employ rhubarb root to enhance their pilus color. Rhubarb tends to add a beloved-colored glow to naturally blond or light brownish pilus.

    • Take iii cups of hot water and cascade them over four tablespoons of rhubarb root, chopped into small chunks. Allow simmer for 20 minutes.[14]
    • Strain the batter and soak your hair in information technology.[15]
    • Rinse your hair with clear water and let your pilus air dry. If possible, let your pilus dry in the sun as this will raise the dyeing effects.[xvi]


  1. 1

    Make up one's mind on the right henna mixture for you. You lot can use henna powder to bring out your hair's natural brunette shades. Even so, how you gear up a henna mixture depends on the specific shade of chocolate-brown y'all're trying to achieve.

    • When used alone, henna can produce an orange-red shade. For a brunette colour, it's a skilful thought to mix henna with other herbs or roots. However, if your hair white, grayness, or another very calorie-free shade you may be better off using henna solo.[17]
    • If y'all have nighttime pilus already, mix henna with some chamomile to lighten its effects while keeping the red-brown tone. Apply one function powdered chamomile and two parts powdered henna.[18]
  2. 2

    Prepare your paste. In one case you've decided how dark you want to become, prepare your paste. Take the henna powder, with whatever additives you're using, and throw in enough boiling h2o to produce a paste. And so, add a tablespoon of vinegar. Blend well and allow the mixture to sit until lukewarm to the affect.[19]

  3. 3

    Apply to your hair. First, run your hair under clean running h2o to get it clammy. Then, slip on a pair of prophylactic gloves. Massage the paste into your scalp and hair. Brush your hair using a fine-toothed comb to make sure the mixture is evenly distributed throughout your hair. Then, place all your hair nether a shower cap or swim cap. Get out the paste in for thirty minutes to two hours. If your hair is darker, look longer.[twenty]

  4. four

    Rinse your hair. Remove the shower cap and rinse your hair under make clean running water. When you are don, the water should run clean when leaving your hair. Permit your hair to air dry out. Dry your hair in the sun, if possible, to increase the dye's effects.[21]


  1. 1

    Try a sage rinse. If your hair is black or very dark chocolate-brown, you can bring out these natural colors using sage. If your hair is graying, sage tin can also serve to hide grayness hairs.

    • Use dry sage, which you tin purchase at about supermarkets. Steep about a handful of sage in a quart of boiling water for at least 30 minutes. Let it to cool.[22]
    • Strain the sage and h2o. Then, pour the mixture over your hair fifteen times. Make sure to grab the mixture as information technology falls through your hair, using a bowl or bowl. You'll want to re-use the same substance. Allow information technology to sit in your hair for 30 minutes before washing it out with cool water.[23]
    • This is a method that takes awhile to work. The effect will build over the form of a few weeks. Repeat this process weekly until yous get the shade y'all want. From there, re-dye your pilus in one case a month to maintain that shade.[24]
  2. ii

    Use alder bawl. If sage does not work for you, you tin can try using alder bawl. This is a botanical substance that produces a slightly lighter shade than sage. Information technology can be used to lighten graying locks or darken naturally blond hair.

    • Obtain bawl chips from a health food store or buy them online. Simmer an ounce of the fries in a quart of water for most half an hour. Cool, drain, and use the mixture the same way y'all would use a sage mix.[25]
  3. 3

    Try walnut hulls. Simple walnut hulls are something many swear past when it comes to darkening hair. Walnut hulls (the basics' outer casings) stain easily, so be careful when using this method. It'south a good idea to article of clothing gloves. Walnut hulls too crave a lot of preparation earlier they can be used on hair.

    • Shell the hulls into a paste. How much you use depends on how much pilus you have. Yous want to be able to coat your hair completely, then you'll need more than for longer hair. Cover the paste with humid water and a dash of salt. Let the paste to soak for three days. And so, add together 3 more cups of boiling water and simmer for v hours. Brand sure to simmer the walnut paste in a non-metal pan.[26]
    • Strain the liquid and identify the remaining bits of walnut hulls in a cloth sack. Twist the sack very tight, making sure to strain out any remaining juice. Place the remaining liquid in a pot and boil it until it's about a quarter of its original volume.[27]
    • Add a teaspoon of ground allspice to the remaining water. Place the mixture in your refrigerator for almost a week. Then, apply to your hair equally you would a sage or alder bark mixture.[28]
  4. 4

    Use tea to change your hair color . Although the coloring teas fabricated past steeping plants in water aren't as permanent or strong every bit commercial dyes, they can still change the color of your pilus, especially if you lot repeat the handling often. To darken hair with tea:

    • Choose a loose-foliage black tea or black tea powder and steep one-one-half loving cup (72 grams) of tea in two cups (xvi ounces) of boiling water. Allow the water to cool with the leaves still in it. When it reaches room temperature, strain out the leaves and transfer the tea to a spritzer or spray canteen.
    • Spray your scalp with the tea water and massage information technology gently in to the roots of your pilus down towards the tips of your hair.[29]
    • Twist your hair or pile it on superlative of your head and secure information technology with a large plastic clip. So, cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap and allow the tea sit for an hr.
    • Rinse with lukewarm water just and fashion as usual. For all-time results, repeat on a weekly basis.
  5. 5

    Brand hair darker with coffee. Like tea, coffee as well contains tannins that tin can exist used to change your hair color. With coffee, it's easiest to grind i tablespoon (xv grams) of instant coffee granules into a coarse powder in a coffee grinder or with a pestle and mortar. Mix the powder into a cup (eight ounces) of your favorite conditioner.[30]

    • When you breast-stroke, use the coffee conditioner instead of regular conditioner. Each time you use it, let the conditioner sit down in your hair for 10 to fifteen minutes before rinsing it out.
  6. 6

    Blend grey hairs with sage. Add together to a small pot one tablespoon (15 grams) each of fresh or dried rosemary, nettle, and sage. Add 2 cups (16 ounces) of water and bring to a boil over medium heat. When it's boiling, keep simmering for 30 minutes, and and so remove it from the heat to absurd.

    • When the mixture has boiled and cooled to room temperature, strain out the herbs and transfer the infused water to a spray canteen.
    • Spray the herb water on your hair later every shower, comb information technology through your hair, and style every bit usual.[31] The sage will aid cover greys, the rosemary will give your pilus a prissy shine, and the nettles are a great restorative.


  1. 1

    Give henna a try. Henna is a establish-based powder that has been used for centuries to dye pilus, skin, nails, and much more. Although the powder is green, henna will naturally dye your hair a reddish-orangish.[32] Mix most three tablespoons (45 grams) of henna powder with enough boiling water to class a thick paste. And then, let the mixture sit in a cool, dark place for about 12 hours.

    • When the mixture is ready, put on disposable gloves and apply information technology to your pilus with a tint brush. Pile your pilus on superlative of your caput and wrap information technology in plastic wrap. Let sit for at least one 60 minutes, and for as long equally iv hours for a more than intense color.[33]
    • Rinse with water and a gentle conditioner when your fourth dimension is up.
  2. two

    Use beet or carrot juice. To add together ruby-red tints to your pilus, try beet or carrot juice. For deep reds and strawberry blonds, use beet juice. For a more orange-red color, go with carrot juice.

    • All you accept to do is add together about a cup of juice to your hair. If your hair is dry, y'all tin can add in a splash of kokosnoot oil to condition your hair at the same fourth dimension. Beet and carrot juice be used to create deeper and more regal tones in your hair.[34]
    • When you end, wrap your hair in a towel or shower cap and permit the juice sit down for about an 60 minutes. Clothing older wearable and gloves while y'all look, as these juices can stain easily. Beet stains, especially, are difficult to go out.[35]
    • Rinse the juice out later an hr. If you want a darker color, repeat the process the side by side 24-hour interval.[36]
  3. 3

    Requite your hair a richer red with tomato juice. Open a fresh can of tomato juice. Reserve about two cups (sixteen ounces) of juice and refrigerate the rest for other uses. Either dip your fingers into the juice and and then massage the juice into your hair and roots, or utilise the juice to your pilus with a tint brush.

    • When all your hair is saturated, pile it on top of your head or twist your hair up and secure information technology with a clip or bobby pins. Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic. Allow it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm h2o.[37]
    • Repeat weekly for all-time results.
  4. 4

    Endeavor tea. If you already have reddish hair, using tea tin heighten your natural color. It will non, however, create a cherry tinge on its ain. Apply rooibos tea if yous desire to heighten your natural carmine shades. Other effective herbs and flowers to utilize for red pilus include calendula (marigold) flowers,[38] hibiscus, and rose hips.[39]

    • Utilize 3 to 5 teabags in two cups of water. Let cool, and so utilise to your hair. You lot can mix the tea in with conditioner or only add it on its own.[40]
    • You should let the tea sit in your pilus for at least an hour. For a darker colour, leave the tea in longer. Then, rinse out thoroughly.[41]
    • Alternative: Steep the herbs in the water until it has cooled to room temperature. Transfer to a spray bottle and apply as before. Wrap your hair in plastic and rinse with water subsequently an hour. Repeat weekly.
  5. 5

    Employ herbal treatments. Herbs can be used to create a reddish colour for your hair. However, this is a slower method. You lot'll need to apply herbs over time to bring out your desired shade.

    • Use 2 cups of water, half a cup of calendula flowers, and 2 tablespoons of hibiscus petals. You can buy herbs at a health food shop or purchase them online.[42]
    • Add together the herbs to boiling h2o and let simmer for at to the lowest degree an 60 minutes. Strain the flowers and then store the remaining water in the refrigerator. Every 24-hour interval, use the mixture as your final rinse in the shower.[43]
    • Repeat this procedure until you accomplish your desired hair colour. So, rinse your pilus with the herbs every few days to maintain the colour.[44]


  1. 1

    Examination your hair first. You'll desire to test out whatsoever natural hair dye method before using information technology. Your hair may react poorly to a certain method or produce a color you dislike. Dye a pocket-size portion of your hair get-go, using a lock from the dorsum of your head. See if yous like the results before attempting to dye your own pilus.

  2. 2

    Practise not effort major changes with natural dye. Natural hair dye will not dramatically change the color of your pilus. It seeks primarily to enhance your hair's existing shades. For example, if your hair is a muddy blond using chamomile tin can produce a lighter, more yellow blond. However, adding henna to naturally blond hair volition not plow your hair brownish. If you want to completely change your pilus color, it's amend to go to a salon.

  3. three

    Use circumspection if y'all've dyed your pilus at a salon previously. Some salon products may crusade your pilus to react poorly to sure natural hair dye methods. Every bit always, examination the method on a small-scale piece of hair earlier attempting to dye all your hair. You may too want to telephone call your stylist and ask her what products he or she used and whether they interact poorly with natural pilus dyes.


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  • Question

    How can you lot lighten your hair naturally?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology instructor since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Professional Hair Stylist

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  • Question

    Tin can saltwater lighten your hair?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Professional Pilus Stylist

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  • Question

    What is the rarest natural hair color?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Professional Hair Stylist

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  • Question

    How practice y'all make your hair darker?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Professional Pilus Stylist

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  • Question

    Will these natural methods of changing pilus color eventually wash out?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology instructor since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Professional person Hair Stylist

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  • Question

    How do I get my natural cherry-red hair to a darker brown color?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology instructor since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Professional Hair Stylist

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  • Question

    How long does the lemon method usually take to work?

    Community Answer

    Unremarkably the lemon method takes about an hour or so with exposure to the lord's day. Recollect to use sunscreen on your skin!

  • Question

    How long will it take using the lemon method to dye black pilus chocolate-brown?

    Community Answer

    It usually takes ii to iv weeks. It depends on the darkness of your natural colour.

  • Question

    How many weeks will it take to get at least a little brown color?

    Community Answer

    It can accept virtually 3 weeks. What yous should do is wash your hair on Sun, and then on Wednesday.

  • Question

    Is in that location a possibility to dye my pilus from brown to cherry using natural methods?

    Community Answer

    You'll probably get a crimson tint, merely the natural methods are not strong plenty to really dye your hair.

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  • Use gloves to protect your hands and old towels or clothes to protect your skin when you are coloring your hair, especially when you are working with walnut dye. Be careful not to get bootleg dyes on skillful clothes or countertops, every bit they can stain.


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Article Summary Ten

If y'all want to naturally lighten your pilus past a shade or two, use lemon. Mix 1 cup of water with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. And so, apply the mixture to wet hair and allow your hair to dry naturally. After your hair dries, you can wash it. Repeat this treatment weekly to slowly lighten your hair. Alternatively, you can employ coffee to darken your hair. Grind one tablespoon of instant coffee granules into a grade powder. And then mix the powder into 1 cup of conditioner. Let the coffee conditioner sit in your hair for 10 to fifteen minutes before rinsing. For more than tips from our reviewer, including how to add red tints with beet or carrot juice, read beneath!

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How To Color Your Hair Naturally At Home,


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